
All Regulations Concerned

Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 177/2024 Approval of the General Table of Licensing Fees for Radiocommunication Services 18/11/2024
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 37/2024 Regulation of the legal regime of radiocommunications 18/11/2024
Lei n.º 21/2024 Legal regime of radiocommunications 11/11/2024
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 162/2024 Macau Telecommunications Company Limited is authorized to install and operate data centers. 30/09/2024
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 102/2024 The license no. 1/2013 of 《MACAU TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY LIMITED》 to install and operate one fixed public telecommunications network and to provide licensed services is renewed from 1 October 2024 until 30 September 2025. 11/06/2024
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 103/2024 The license no. 2/2013 of 《MTEL TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANY LIMITED》 to install and operate one fixed public telecommunications network and to provide licensed services is renewed from 1 October 2024 until 30 September 2025. 11/06/2024
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 64/2024 Low power and short distance radiocommunication equipments exempted from governmental authorization 15/04/2024
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 13/2024 Regime for the installation and operation of data centers 27/03/2024
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 204/2023 The license no. 1/2013 of 《MACAU TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY LIMITED》 to install and operate one fixed public telecommunications network and to provide licensed services is renewed from 1 January 2024 until 30 September 2024. 27/12/2023
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 205/2023 The license no. 2/2013 of 《MTEL TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANY LIMITED》 to install and operate one fixed public telecommunications network and to provide licensed services is renewed from 1 January 2024 until 30 September 2024. 27/12/2023
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 176/2023 The license no. 1/2008, issued to «Macau Lotus Satellite TV Media, Limited» to provide the satellite TV broadcasting telecommunications service is renewed from 2 December 2023 until 1 December 2028. 13/11/2023
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 26/2023

Modify the International Signalling Point Codes, contained in the Numbering Plan of the Macao Special Administrative Region, attached to the Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 43/2016 and modified by the Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 22/2022.

Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 19/2023

Renova o mandato e designa membros do Conselho Técnico de Credenciação


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 196/2022

Authorized 《MACAU TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY LIMITED》 to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services.


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 197/2022

Authorized 《CHINA TELECOM (MACAU) COMPANY LIMITED》 to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services.


Regulamento Administrativo n.º 40/2022 Modification of the General Fees and Fines Table for Radio Services 29/08/2022
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 131/2022 The license no. 1/2015 of «Macau Telecommunications Company Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services is renewed from 24 June 2023 until 23 June 2028. 25/07/2022
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 130/2022 The license no. 1/2007 of «Macau Telecommunications Company Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services is renewed from 5 June 2023 until 4 June 2025. 25/07/2022
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 129/2022 The license no. 4/2015 of 《Hutchison Telephone (Macau) Company Limited 》to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services is renewed from 24 June 2023 until 23 June 2028. 25/07/2022
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 128/2022 The license no. 2/2007 of «Hutchison Telephone (Macau) Company Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services is renewed from 5 June 2023 until 4 June 2025. 25/07/2022
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 127/2022 The license no. 2/2015 of «China Telecom (Macau) Company Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services is renewed from 24 June 2023 until 23 June 2028. 25/07/2022
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 126/2022 The license no. 3/2007 of «China Telecom (Macau) Company Limited» to install and operate a CDMA2000 1X EV-DO public land mobile telecommunications network and provide corresponding public land mobile telecommunications services is renewed from 5 June 2023 until 4 June 2025. 25/07/2022
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 125/2022 The license no. 3/2015 of «Smartone – Mobile Communications (Macau), Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services is renewed from 24 June 2023 until 23 June 2028. 25/07/2022
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 124/2022 The license no. 1/2009 of «Smartone – Mobile Communications (Macau), Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services is renewed from 5 June 2023 until 4 June 2025. 25/07/2022
Ordem Executiva n.º 27/2022 Approval of specific regulation for the public tendering for the licence of operation of public terrestrial mobile telecommunications network of 5th Generation and provision of respective services of terrestrial mobile telecommunications of public use in the Macao Special Administrative Region 30/06/2022
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 22/2022 Modify the table for assigning initial digits of local numbers contained in the Numbering Plan of the Macao Special Administrative Region, attached to the Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 43/2016, regarding the number of digits and use of the initial digit «2» 23/05/2022

Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 145/2021

The license no. 1/2013 of 《MACAU TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY LIMITED》 to install and operate one fixed public telecommunications network and to provide licensed services is renewed from 1 January 2022 until 31 December 2023.


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 146/2021

The license no. 2/2013 of 《MTEL TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANY LIMITED》 to install and operate one fixed public telecommunications network and to provide licensed services is renewed from 1 January 2022 until 31 December 2023.


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 20/2021

Designa os membros do Conselho Técnico de Credenciação


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 215/2020

Alteration of the license no. 1/2015 of «Macau Telecommunications Company Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services, attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 160/2015, which was amended by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 230/2018


Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 50/2020

Autoriza a cessação da actividade constante da Autorização de Operador Móvel Virtual n.º 1/2002, anexa ao Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 96/2002.


Ordem Executiva n.° 92/2019

Revocation of No. 3 of item 1.3 of article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services of Macau Telecommunications Company Limited, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001.


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 51/2019

Alteration of the license no. 1/2009 of «Smartone – Mobile Communications (Macau), Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services, attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 350/2009, which was amended by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 155/2012, 373/2012, 256/2015 and 229/2018, and renewed by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 366/2014


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 50/2019

Alteration of the license no. 2/2007 of «Hutchison Telephone (Macau) Company Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services, attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 172/2007, which was amended by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 156/2012, 375/2012, 255/2015 and 227/2018, and renewed by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 365/2014


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 49/2019

Alteration of the license no. 1/2007 of «Macau Telecommunications Company Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services, attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 171/2007, which was amended by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 157/2012, 374/2012, 253/2015 and 226/2018, and renewed by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 364/2014


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 44/2019

Low power and short distance radiocommunication equipments exempted from governmental authorization


Ordem Executiva n.° 51/2019

Modification of No. 16 of item 1.1 of article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001.


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 233/2018

Alteration of the license no. 4/2015 of «Hutchison Telephone (Macau) Company Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services, attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 163/2015


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 232/2018

Alteration of the license no. 3/2015 of «Smartone – Mobile Communications (Macau), Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services, attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 162/2015


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 231/2018

Alteration of the license no. 2/2015 of «China Telecom (Macau) Company Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services, attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 161/2015


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 230/2018

Alteration of the license no. 1/2015 of «Macau Telecommunications Company Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services, attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 160/2015


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 229/2018

Alteration of the license no. 1/2009 of «Smartone – Mobile Communications (Macau), Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services, attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 350/2009, which was amended by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 155/2012, 373/2012 and 256/2015, and renewed by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 366/2014


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 228/2018

Alteration of the license no. 3/2007 of «China Telecom (Macau) Company Limited» to install and operate a CDMA2000 1X EV-DO public land mobile telecommunications network and provide corresponding public land mobile telecommunications services, attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 173/2007, which was amended by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 254/2015, and renewed by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 367/2014


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 227/2018

Alteration of the license no. 2/2007 of «Hutchison Telephone (Macau) Company Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services, attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 172/2007, which was amended by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 156/2012, 375/2012 and 255/2015, and renewed by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 365/2014


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 226/2018

Alteration of the license no. 1/2007 of «Macau Telecommunications Company Limited» to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services, attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 171/2007, which was amended by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 157/2012, 374/2012 and 253/2015, and renewed by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 364/2014


Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 222/2018 The licence n.º 1/2004 of «MASTV Company Limited» to provide the satellite TV broadcasting service is renewed for 15 years from 16 March 2019. 13/09/2018
Ordem Executiva n.° 77/2018 Approve the addition of two services to and revoke of one service from the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services originally approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001. 08/06/2018
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 1/2018 Approval of the Regulation on the Registration of the Domain Names representing the Macao Special Administrative Region 02/01/2018
Ordem Executiva n.° 106/2017 Modification of No. 1 of item 1.3 of article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001. 21/11/2017
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 370/2017 Low power and short distance radiocommunication equipments exempted from governmental authorization 18/10/2017
Ordem Executiva n.º 40/2017 Approval of the new model of licence for the provision of Internet Services 10/01/2017
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 29/2016 Alteração ao Regulamento Orgânico da Direcção dos Serviços de Correios 02/12/2016
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 43/2016 Approval of the Numbering Plan for Macao SAR 11/10/2016
Ordem Executiva n.º 7/2016 Modification of the tariff of the Fixed IDD Barring Service set out in number 7.15 under item 1.1 of article 1.0, and addition of IDD tariff of Republic of South Sudan in item 1.3 of article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001. 28/01/2016
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 468/2015 Low power and short distance radiocommunication equipments exempted from governmental authorization 14/12/2015
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 98/2015 Alteration of the virtual mobile operator authorization no. 1/2002 of «Kong Seng Paging Limited», attached to the Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 96/2002, which renewed by the Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.os 49/2010 and 31/2015 21/09/2015
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 256/2015 Alteration of the license no. 1/2009 of «Smartone – Mobile Communications (Macau), Limited» to provide public land mobile telecommunications services, attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 350/2009, which was amended by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 155/2012 and 373/2012, and renewed by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 366/2014 21/08/2015
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 255/2015 Alteration of the license no. 2/2007 of «Hutchison Telephone (Macau) Company Limited» to provide public land mobile telecommunications services, attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 172/2007, which was amended by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 156/2012 and 375/2012, and renewed by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 365/2014 21/08/2015
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 254/2015 Alteration of the license no. 3/2007 of «China Telecom (Macau) Company Limited» to provide public land mobile telecommunications services, attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 173/2007 and renewed by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 367/2014 21/08/2015
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 253/2015 Alteration of the license no. 1/2007 of «Macau Telecommunications Company Limited» to provide public land mobile telecommunications services, attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 171/2007, which was amended by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 157/2012 and 374/2012, and renewed by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 364/2014 21/08/2015
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 252/2015 Alteration of the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 122/2002 21/08/2015
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 212/2015 Designa os membros do Conselho Técnico de Credenciação 10/07/2015
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 163/2015 Despacho do Chefe do Executivo no. 163/2015 –《Hutchison Telephone (Macau) Company Limited》is authorized to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services. 09/06/2015
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 162/2015 Despacho do Chefe do Executivo no. 162/2015 –《Smartone - Mobile Communications (Macau), Limited》is authorized to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services. 09/06/2015
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 161/2015 Despacho do Chefe do Executivo no. 161/2015 –《China Telecom (Macau) Company Limited》is authorized to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services. 09/06/2015
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 160/2015 Despacho do Chefe do Executivo no. 160/2015 –《Macau Telecommunications Company Limited》is authorized to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services. 09/06/2015
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 6/2015 Modification of the General Fees and Fines Table for Radio Services 10/04/2015
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 31/2015 The Virtual Mobile Operator License no. 1/2002 of《Kong Seng Paging Limited》is renewed from 5 June 2015 until 4 June 2023 27/03/2015
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 367/2014 The license no. 3/2007 of 《China Telecom (Macau) Company Limited》to install and operate a CDMA2000 1X EV-DO public land mobile telecommunications network and provide corresponding public land mobile telecommunications services is renewed from 5 June 2015 until 4 June 2023 04/12/2014
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 366/2014 The license no. 1/2009 of 《Smartone - Mobile Communications (Macau), Limited》to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services is renewed from 22 September 2017 until 4 June 2023 04/12/2014
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 365/2014 The license no. 2/2007 of 《Hutchison Telephone (Macau) Company Limited 》to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services is renewed from 5 June 2015 until 4 June 2023 04/12/2014
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 364/2014 The license no. 1/2007 of《Macau Telecommunications Company Limited》 to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide public land mobile telecommunications services is renewed from 5 June 2015 until 4 June 2023 04/12/2014
Ordem Executiva n.º 40/2014 Approval of specific regulation for the public tendering for the licence of operation of public terrestrial mobile telecommunications network of Long Term Evolution Technology and provision of respective services of terrestrial mobile telecommunications of public use in the Macao Special Administrative Region 04/09/2014
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 198/2014 Low power and short distance radiocommunication equipments exempted from governmental authorization 03/07/2014
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 163/2014 “Telesat – Satellite Communications Limited” changed its Chinese and Portuguese company name, and its English name remains unchanged. 19/06/2014
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 136/2014 The licence n.º 1/99 of « Telesat – Satellite Communications Limited » to install and operate a satellite TV broadcasting system is renewed for 15 years from 1 June 2014. 23/05/2014
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 42/2014 Cessa a designação de um membro do Conselho Técnico de Credenciação, em representação da Direcção dos Serviços de Regulação de Telecomunicações e designa outro membro do mesmo Conselho 28/02/2014
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 4/2014 Approval of the Regulation on the Registration of the Domain Names representing the Macao Special Administrative Region 13/01/2014
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 232/2013 Designa os membros do Conselho Técnico de Credenciação 31/07/2013
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 173/2013 MTEL TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANY LIMITED is authorized to install and operate one fixed public telecommunications network and to provide licensed services 24/05/2013
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 172/2013 MACAU TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY LIMITED is authorized to install and operate one fixed public telecommunications network and to provide licensed services 24/05/2013
Ordem Executiva n.º 21/2013 Modification of the tariff of the Fixed IDD Barring Service set out in item 1.1 of article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001 22/04/2013
Ordem Executiva n.º 20/2013 Modification of the tariff of IDD《050》service of item 1.3 of article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001 22/04/2013
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 1/2013 The Satellite TV Broadcasting Service Licence no. 1/98 of «MSTV Satellite TV Company Limited» is renewed for 15 years from 20 January 2013 18/12/2012
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 375/2012 Alteration of the license no. 2/2007 of «Hutchison Telephone (Macau) Company Limited», attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 172/2007 and amended by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 156/2012, to provide public land mobile telecommunications services 12/12/2012
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 374/2012 Alteration of the license no. 1/2007 of «Macau Telecommunications Company Limited», attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 171/2007 and amended by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 157/2012, to provide public land mobile telecommunications services 12/12/2012
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 373/2012 Alteration of the license no. 1/2009 of «Smartone - Mobile Communications (Macau), Limited», attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 350/2009 and amended by the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 155/2012, to provide public land mobile telecommunications services 12/12/2012
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 21/2012 Modification of the General Fees and Fines Table for Radio Services 03/08/2012
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 157/2012 Alteration of the license no. 1/2007 of «Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau, S.A.R.L.», attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 171/2007 to provide public land mobile telecommunications services 18/06/2012
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 156/2012 Alteration of the license no. 2/2007 of «Hutchison Telephone (Macau) Company Limited», attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 172/2007 to provide public land mobile telecommunications services 18/06/2012
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 155/2012 Alteration of the license no. 1/2009 of «Smartone - Mobile Communications (Macau), Limited», attached to the Chief Executive’s Decision no. 350/2009 to provide public land mobile telecommunications services 18/06/2012
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 4/2012 Aprova o regulamento específico do concurso público para o licenciamento de instalação e operação de redes públicas de telecomunicações fixas na Região Administrativa Especial de Macau 06/01/2012
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 3/2012 Fees fixed for issuing and renewal of the licence of installation and operation of the fixed public telecommunications network 06/01/2012
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 41/2011 Regime of installation and operation of the fixed public telecommunications network 09/12/2011
Ordem Executiva n.º 64/2011 Modification of the period of IDD《050》service in weekdays of item 1.3 of Article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services of Macau Telecommunications Company Limited, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001 22/09/2011
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 32/2011 Approval of the Regulation on Internet Domain Name Registration of the Macao Special Administrative Region 16/08/2011
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 148/2011 Nomeia os membros do Conselho Técnico de Credenciação 01/06/2011
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 5/2011 Modification of the General Fees and Fines Table for Radio Services 18/02/2011
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 3/2011 “Cosmos Satellite TV Company Limited” changed the company name to “MSTV Satellite TV Company Limited” 06/01/2011
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 49/2010 The Virtual Mobile Operator Licence no. 1/2002 of «Kong Seng Paging Limited» is renewed from 15 October 2010 until 4 June 2015 20/10/2010
Ordem Executiva n.º 80/2010 Modification of items 2.1, 2.2 and 2.6 of Article 2.0 (Private Circuits) of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services of Macau Telecommunications Company Limited, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001 10/08/2010
Ordem Executiva n.º 75/2010 Approval of cancellation of item 4.1 of Article 4.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services of Macau Telecommunications Company Limited, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001 29/07/2010
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 16/2010 Approval of the General Fees and Fines Table for Radio Services 02/07/2010
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 72/2010 The license no. 1/2006 of «China Telecom (Macau) Company Limited», attached to the chief Executive’s Decision no.235/2006 to provide public land mobile telecommunications services is revoked 19/03/2010
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 423/2009 Alteration of the validity of the license of "Smartone - Mobile Communications (Macau), Limited" to install and operate a public land mobile telecommunications network and provide corresponding public land mobile telecommunications services 03/11/2009
Ordem Executiva n.º 55/2009 Approval of cancellation of service 7.11 of item 1.1 of Article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services of Macau Telecommunications Company Limited 27/10/2009
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 350/2009 Smartone – “Mobile Communications (Macau), Limited” is authorized to install and operate a WCDMA public land mobile telecommunications network and provide corresponding public land mobile telecommunications services 10/09/2009
Ordem Executiva n.º 38/2009 Approval of additions to item 1.3 of Article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services of Macau Telecomunications Company Limited 11/08/2009
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 9/2009 Modification of the General Fees and Fines Table for Radio Services 26/03/2009
Ordem Executiva n.º 10/2009 Specific regulation for the public tendering of the licence of operation of third generation public land mobile telecommunications network and provision of respective services of land mobile telecommunications of public use in the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China 26/02/2009
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 12/2009 “China Unicom (Macau) Company Limited” changed the company the name to “China Telecom (Macau) Company Limited” 14/01/2009
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 401/2008 The license no. 3/2002 of «Smartone - Mobile Communications (Macau), Limited» to provide public mobile telecommunication service is renewed for 6 years 30/12/2008
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 400/2008 The license no. 2/2002 of «Hutchison Telephone (Macau) Company Limited» to provide public mobile telecommunication service is renewed for 2 years 30/12/2008
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 399/2008 The license no. 1/2002 of «Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau, S.A.R.L.» to provide public mobile telecommunication service is renewed for 2 years 30/12/2008
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 318/2008 "Macau Lotus Satellite TV Media Limited" is authorized to provide the satellite TV broadcasting service 20/11/2008
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 21/2008 Modification of the General Fees and Fines Table for Radio Services 08/07/2008
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 22/2007 Rectification 18/01/2008
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 22/2007 Approval of the General Fees and Fines Table for Radio Services 18/12/2007
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 173/2007 "China Unicom (Macau) Company Limited" is authorized to install and operate a CDMA2000 1X EV-DO public land mobile telecommunications network and provide corresponding public land mobile telecommunications services 29/05/2007
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 172/2007 "Hutchison Telephone (Macau) Company Limited" is authorized to install and operate a WCDMA public land mobile telecommunications network and provide corresponding public land mobile telecommunications services 29/05/2007
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 171/2007 "Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau, S.A.R.L." is authorized to install and operate a WCDMA public land mobile telecommunications network and provide corresponding public land mobile telecommunications services. 29/05/2007
Ordem Executiva n.º 12/2007 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 23/02/2007
Ordem Executiva n.º 11/2007 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 23/02/2007
Ordem Executiva n.º 10/2007 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 23/02/2007
Ordem Executiva n.º 9/2007 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 23/02/2007
Ordem Executiva n.º 7/2007 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 07/02/2007
Ordem Executiva n.º 47/2006 New model of licence for the provision of Internet Services 13/11/2006
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 318/2006 Low power and short distance radiocommunication equipments which are exempted from governmental authorization 24/10/2006
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 179/2006 Approval of the Numbering Plan for Macao SAR 17/10/2006
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 235/2006 "China Unicom (Macau) Company Limited" is authorized to operate a CDMA2000 1X public land mobile telecommunications network and provide corresponding public land mobile telecommunications services. 10/08/2006
Ordem Executiva n.º 33/2006 Approval of additions to Article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 26/07/2006
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 8/2006 Modification of the General Fees and Fines Table for Radio Services 01/06/2006
Ordem Executiva n.º 16/2006 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 27/04/2006
Ordem Executiva n.º 15/2006 Aprova o regulamento específico do concurso público para apresentação de candidaturas para o licenciamento de operação de redes públicas de telecomunicações móveis terrestres de terceira geração e prestação dos correspondentes serviços de telecomunicações de uso público móveis terrestres na Região Administrativa Especial de Macau da República Popular da China 20/04/2006
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 5/2006 Organization and functioning of the Bureau of Telecommunications Regulation 29/03/2006
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 2/2006 Altera o Regulamento Orgânico da Direcção dos Serviços de Correios 20/01/2006
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 31/2006 The University of Macau is designated as the entity responsible for management and registration of the Internet domain names of Macau SAR (.mo) 13/03/2006
Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2006 Alteração do Tarifário dos Serviços de Telecomunicações de Uso Público 23/01/2006
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 378/2005 Nomeia os membros do Conselho Técnico de Credenciação 15/11/2005
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 376/2005 Cria o Conselho Técnico de Credenciação 15/11/2005
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 375/2005 Designa a autoridade credenciadora competente para a credenciação e fiscalização das entidades certificadoras 15/11/2005
Lei n.º 5/2005 Documentos e assinaturas electrónicas 27/07/2005
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 9/2005 Approval of the General Fees and Fines Table for Radio Services 04/07/2005
Ordem Executiva n.º 27/2005 Aprova os aditamentos a um item do tarifário do serviço público de telecomunicações, prestado pela Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau, S.A.R.L., aprovado pela Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001, publicada no Boletim Oficial da RAEM n.º 6, I Série, de 5 de Fevereiro 04/07/2005
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 84/2005 Subdelega poderes no coordenador do Gabinete para o Desenvolvimento das Telecomunicações e Tecnologias da Informação, como outorgante, no contrato para a execução da «Terceira fase do projecto de actualização da estação de fiscalização radioeléctrica» 09/06/2005
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 82/2005 Modification to the Numbering Plan of the Macao Special Administrative Region 09/06/2005
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 185/2005 "China Unicom (Macau) Company Limited" was granted the right to operate a CDMA2000 1X public land mobile telecommunications network and provision of roaming mobile telecommunications services 27/05/2005
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 111/2005 Radiocommunication equipments (walkie-talkies using the frequency band 409.7500-409.9875MHz) are exempted from prior government authorization 19/04/2005
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 88/2005 One-year extension of the duration of the Office for the Development of Telecommunications and Information Technology 24/03/2005
Ordem Executiva n.º 9/2005 Additions to the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 18/02/2005
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 41/2004 Regulation on the interconnection of the public telecommunication networks 14/12/2004
Ordem Executiva n.º 29/2004 Approval of the regulation for the tendering of a licence of operating a CDMA2000 1X public land mobile telecommunications network and provision of roaming mobile telecommunications services 07/09/2004
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 82/2004 Subdelegation of powers to the Coordinator of GDTTI to sign the "Arrangement for using Radio Frequencies in the Macao SAR by the Macau Garrison of the Chinese People's Liberation Army" 05/08/2004
Ordem Executiva n.º 22/2004 Approval of additions to the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 01/08/2004
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 46/2004 "MASTV Company Limited" is authorized to provide the satellite TV broadcasting service 08/03/2004
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 12/2004 Subdelegation of powers to the coordinator of GDTTI 01/03/2004
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 6/2004 Modifications to Decreto Lei no. 3/98/M 16/02/2004
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 20/2004 One-year extension of the duration of the Office for the Development of Telecommunications and Information Technology 13/02/2004
Ordem Executiva n.º 2/2004 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 06/01/2004
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 110/2003 Portaria no. 207/99/M is revoked. The licence granted to "Telesat - Satellite Communications Limited" for the provision of satellite TV broadcasting services is cancelled. 09/12/2003
Ordem Executiva n.º 34/2003 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 10/09/2003
Ordem Executiva n.º 23/2003 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 07/07/2003
Ordem Executiva n.º 14/2003 Supplement to the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 06/05/2003
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 31/2003 One-year suspension of the licence no. 2/99 for the satellite management system, attached to the Portaria n.º 207/99/M 14/04/2003
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 72/2003 One-year extension of the duration of the Office for the Development of Telecommunications and Information Technology 07/03/2003
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 13/2003 The University of Macau is designated as the entity responsible for management and registration of the Internet domain names of Macau SAR (.mo) 04/03/2003
Ordem Executiva n.º 8/2003 Approval of the model for the licence of Internet Services 04/03/2003
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 24/2002 Regulation on the provision of Internet services 24/10/2002
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 96/2002 Virtual Mobile Operator Licence no. 1/2002 07/10/2002
Despacho do Secretário para os Transportes e Obras Públicas n.º 78/2002 Numbering Plan of the Macao Special Administrative Region 02/09/2002
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 16/2002 Regulation on the installation and operation of external telecommunication infrastructures 02/08/2002
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 15/2002 Management and assignment of numbering resources for telecommunication 02/08/2002
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 173/2002 Low power and short distance radiocommunication equipments which are exempted from governmental authorization 01/08/2002
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 159/2002 "Smartone - Mobile Communications (Macau), Limited" is licenced to provide public mobile telecommunication services 27/06/2002
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 158/2002 "Hutchison Telephone (Macau) Company Limited" is licenced to provide public mobile telecommunication services 27/06/2002
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 157/2002 "Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau, S.A.R.L." is licenced to provide public mobile telecommunication services 27/06/2002
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 122/2002 Fees of issuance and renewal of public telecommunication network operator licences 15/05/2002
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 121/2002 One-year extension of the duration of the Office for the Development of Telecommunications and Information Technology 15/05/2002
Ordem Executiva n.º 13/2002 Modification to the Tariff of Public Telecom Services 24/04/2002
Ordem Executiva n.º 12/2002 Supplement to the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 18/04/2002
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 7/2002 Regulation on the operation of public telecommunication networks and the provision of public mobile telecommunication services 04/04/2002
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 68/2002 Extension of the validity of the Public Mobile Telecommunication Provisional Licences 1/2001 and 2/2001 by six months 22/03/2002
Lei n.º 14/2001 Basic Telecommunications Law 14/08/2001
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 81/2000 "Cosmos Satellite TV Company Limited" is authorized to include six additional TV programmes 07/05/2001
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 49/2001 "Smartone - Mobile Communications (Macau), Limited" is licenced to install and operate a network for providing public mobile telecommunication services 01/03/2001
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 48/2001 "Hutchison Telephone (Macau) Company Limited" is licenced to install and operate a network for providing public mobile telecommunication services 01/03/2001
Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001 Tariff of Public Telecom Services 01/02/2001
Ordem Executiva n.º 3/2001 Model of licence for the provision of Internet services 16/01/2001
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 232/2000 "Companhia de Televisão por satélite China, (Grupo), S.A. " is licenced to provide satellite TV broadcasting services 13/12/2000
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 35/2000 Regulation of provisional licences of Internet services 27/09/2000
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 32/2000 Regulation of provisional licences of public mobile telecommunication services 08/09/2000
Ordem Executiva n.º 30/2000 Delegation of certain executive powers from the Chief Executive 02/06/2000
Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 67/2000 Creation of the Office for the Development of Telecommunications and Information Technology 15/05/2000
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 21/2000 Modification of the name and legal competencies of the Macau Posts and Telecommunications 09/05/2000
Portaria n.º 207/99/M "Telesat - Satellite Communications Limited" is authorized to install and operate a satellite management system and to provide related services 31/05/1999
Portaria n.º 206/99/M "Telesat - Satellite Communications Limited" is authorized to provide the satellite TV broadcasting services 31/05/1999
Portaria n.º 202/98/M Establishes the technical specifications and test conditions for Land Mobile Service stations 31/08/1998
Portaria n.º 103/98/M Establishes the technical specifications and test conditions for receivers of Paging Service 18/05/1998
Portaria n.º 7/98/M "Cosmos Satellite TV Company Limited" is authorized to provide the satellite TV broadcasting service 19/01/1998
Decreto-Lei n.º 3/98/M Basic principles that guide the licencing of satellite TV broadcasting services 19/01/1998
Despacho n.º 37/GM/95 Exemption from the licencing of stations for mobile telephone or paging services 17/07/1995
Decreto-Lei n.º 33/95/M Modifications to Decreto-Lei no. 48/86/M 17/07/1995
Decreto-Lei n.º 29/94/M Juridical regulation on amateur radiocommunication activities 14/06/1994
Portaria n.º 185/93/M Regulation on Sound Broadcasting Stations 17/06/1993
Lei n.º 8/89/M Regulation on broadcasting activities 04/09/1989
Decreto-Lei n.º 2/89/M Aprova o novo Regulamento Orgânico da Direcção dos Serviços de Correios e Telecomunicações. — Revogações 03/01/1989
Portaria n.º 132/88/M Defines and approves the color television system to be implemented in Macao territory 15/08/1988
Decreto-Lei n.º 48/86/M Administrative regulation on radiocommunication services 03/11/1986
Decreto-Lei n.º 18/83/M Fundamental law of radiocommunications 12/03/1983