
Public Telecommunications Service Fee

Ordem Executiva n.° 92/2019 Revocation of No. 3 of item 1.3 of article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services of Macau Telecommunications Company Limited, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001. 03/06/2019
Ordem Executiva n.° 51/2019 Modification of No. 16 of item 1.1 of article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001. 14/01/2019
Ordem Executiva n.° 77/2018 Approve the addition of two services to and revoke of one service from the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services originally approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001. 08/06/2018
Ordem Executiva n.° 106/2017 Modification of No. 1 of item 1.3 of article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001. 21/11/2017
Ordem Executiva n.º 7/2016 Modification of the tariff of the Fixed IDD Barring Service set out in number 7.15 under item 1.1 of article 1.0, and addition of IDD tariff of Republic of South Sudan in item 1.3 of article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001. 28/01/2016
Ordem Executiva n.º 21/2013 Modification of the tariff of the Fixed IDD Barring Service set out in item 1.1 of article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001 22/04/2013
Ordem Executiva n.º 20/2013 Modification of the tariff of IDD《050》service of item 1.3 of article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001 22/04/2013
Ordem Executiva n.º 64/2011 Modification of the period of IDD《050》service in weekdays of item 1.3 of Article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services of Macau Telecommunications Company Limited, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001 22/09/2011
Ordem Executiva n.º 80/2010 Modification of items 2.1, 2.2 and 2.6 of Article 2.0 (Private Circuits) of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services of Macau Telecommunications Company Limited, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001 10/08/2010
Ordem Executiva n.º 75/2010 Approval of cancellation of item 4.1 of Article 4.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services of Macau Telecommunications Company Limited, approved by Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001 29/07/2010
Ordem Executiva n.º 55/2009 Approval of cancellation of service 7.11 of item 1.1 of Article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services of Macau Telecommunications Company Limited 27/10/2009
Ordem Executiva n.º 38/2009 Approval of additions to item 1.3 of Article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services of Macau Telecomunications Company Limited 11/08/2009
Ordem Executiva n.º 12/2007 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 23/02/2007
Ordem Executiva n.º 11/2007 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 23/02/2007
Ordem Executiva n.º 10/2007 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 23/02/2007
Ordem Executiva n.º 9/2007 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 23/02/2007
Ordem Executiva n.º 7/2007 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 07/02/2007
Ordem Executiva n.º 33/2006 Approval of additions to Article 1.0 of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 26/07/2006
Ordem Executiva n.º 16/2006 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 27/04/2006
Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2006 Alteração do Tarifário dos Serviços de Telecomunicações de Uso Público 23/01/2006
Ordem Executiva n.º 27/2005 Aprova os aditamentos a um item do tarifário do serviço público de telecomunicações, prestado pela Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau, S.A.R.L., aprovado pela Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001, publicada no Boletim Oficial da RAEM n.º 6, I Série, de 5 de Fevereiro 04/07/2005
Ordem Executiva n.º 9/2005 Additions to the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 18/02/2005
Ordem Executiva n.º 22/2004 Approval of additions to the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 01/08/2004
Ordem Executiva n.º 2/2004 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 06/01/2004
Ordem Executiva n.º 34/2003 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 10/09/2003
Ordem Executiva n.º 23/2003 Modification of the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 07/07/2003
Ordem Executiva n.º 14/2003 Supplement to the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 06/05/2003
Ordem Executiva n.º 13/2002 Modification to the Tariff of Public Telecom Services 24/04/2002
Ordem Executiva n.º 12/2002 Supplement to the Tariff Table of Public Telecom Services 18/04/2002
Ordem Executiva n.º 6/2001 Tariff of Public Telecom Services 01/02/2001


In case of any discrepancy, the printed version in the Government Gazette shall prevail.