“Application of 5G Communication and Information Technology on Accessibility” Seminar was successfully held
The “Application of 5G Communication and Information Technology on Accessibility” Seminar, organized by the Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau (CTT) and in collaboration with the Social Welfare Bureau was held on 26th June this year at the Auditorium of the Communications Museum.
The event aimed to raise awareness and recognition of accessibility technology within the community, 3 Industry experts were invited to introduce the application of 5G communication and information technology on the field of accessibility. The speakers included Mr. Lou Kit Chon, Network Services & Development Director of Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau, S.A.R.L., Miss Lei Iok Lin, Senior Technology Executive of China Telecom (Macau) Company Limited, and Mr. Binkai Ou, Research Fellow of BoardWare Information System Limited. The seminar allowing all sectors of society to understand the latest developments in smart technology in this domain. CTT hopes this will promote the widespread application of accessibility technology in Macau, help build an inclusive society, and enable all sectors of society to benefit from technological advancements.