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Suggestions, opinions or complaints
Suggestions, opinions or complaints on telecommunications matters under CTT purview can be presented through the following e-form:
Largo do Senado, Edificio Sede dos CTT
(853) 2833 6603
Largo do Senado, Edifício Sede dos CTT
(853) 8396 8899
Note: Recommendations, objections and complaints without the identification information and contact method of the interested party(s) shall be regarded as anonymous and a “reflection of opinion”. For such cases, CTT will not make a reply, and they might be destroyed pursuant to Article 21, Paragraph 2 of Decree No. 5/98/M.
For complaints or objections made by individuals with identification and address information, pursuant to Article 21, Paragraph 3 of Decree No. 5/98/M, CTT shall reply within 45 days from the date of its reception.
Suggestions, opinions or complaints on telecommunications matters under CTT purview can be presented through the following e-form: